Personal Website
This is a list of side-projects regarding programming. Physics Scatter allows you to scatter objects that follow physics, directly from the Editor! This means that you won't have to painfully rotate, translate, scale, and adjust the objects in the scene to make their position look realistic. This software will detect slow head tilting and generate a keypress depending on the side of the tilting. This has been designed primarily for pianists, in order to turn pages without raising hands from the keyboards. You don’t need to waste time organizing a folder with pdf files, you don’t need to go online to look for any single reference, you don’t need to waste hours to match every citation with every reference! With Reference Creator, Just copy and paste your text and it will find the in-tect citations and create the Reference List automatically!
-This project is not supported anymore!-
(If the list doesn't load, click here)
Physics Scatter
Detect Head Turning
Reference Creator